Read a potentiometer continuously? on STM32 and analogRead()

Yes, I saw it :slight_smile:
Ah Chinese and colors ā€¦

I have just tested different modes with MKS DRIVE MINI + AS5047P + iPower GM5208-24

foc_current & velocity ==> OK ==> 34 Rad/s max
foc_current & torque ==> OK
foc_current & angle ==> OK

Then I tested voltage & velocity mode
The motor runs irradiently and vibrates horribly?

I change the value of:
motor.LPF_velocity.Tf = 0.01f; // defaut 0.005
motor.LPF_velocity.Tf = 1.0f; // defaut 0.005
and itā€™s OK ==> 37 Rad/s max at 20v

I forgot the GPIO cable at the fablab, without it itā€™s difficult to debug because thereā€™s no serial port, Iā€™ll test it on Mondayā€¦
i have just St-Link V2 for debug

This is one way to get the output without serial.

But I use it only in platformio, I cannot comment about Arduino IDE.

[EDIT] If you are using a chinese clone, you can try my fork that is simplified and adapted to stlink v2.1

I had no idea, many thanks :slight_smile:
Works with IDE Arduino and Chinese St-Link V2

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This value is much too highā€¦ The system may be stable at a constant velocity, but it will be very unreactive to load changes. I canā€™t imagine it will work well like thisā€¦

My tests in these modes
foc_current & velocity ==> OK ==> 34 Rad/s max
foc_current & torque ==> OK
foc_current & angle ==> OK
work with values between 0.01f; <=&=> 0.005

But when I switched to voltage & velocity mode
the engine vibrated loudly and wouldnā€™t turnā€¦
After searching for the right P.I.D. values
I finally increased it to 1.0 motor.LPF_velocity.Tf
and thatā€™s when the motor started to run well???
And if I lower it, it locks up and starts vibrating again ???

I would check the other PID values - when you switch from torque-current to velocity mode, the other PID values may need to be changed. The motor.LPF_velocity.Tf you can tune it to use values between 0.001 and 0.1 maybe, but I would not go higher than this.

You can check the effect if you try to hold the motor - it will probably behave very strangely with a LPF of 1.0.

Voltage mode should be fairly easy to tune - you donā€™t need any PID values for it. The LPF value is still used though. If you find that you need to set the LPF to 1.0 in voltage mode, then I think you should check your sensor values. My suspicion would be that you are getting some bad values now and then, maybe due to electrical noise. A high filter value will suppress these bad values, but at the expense of control bandwidth. A better solution (if I am right in my assumption) would be to solve the sensor noise problems.

@runger & @Candas1
Youā€™re right, with TF at 1.0 it runs smoothly, but if I try to change gear, everything goes to hellā€¦

Well I donā€™t understand in openloop everything works.

in closed loop DC current velocity|angle|torque OK
in closed loop FOC current velocity|angle|torque OK
And in closed loop no way to make Voltage work correctly ā€¦

I added an M5StickC in serial connection to gpio 3 and 4 to get simpleFOCStudio,
and no better impossible to make the voltage mode work properly in closed loop ā€¦

Are you using the Phase_resistance, kv or phase_inductance parameters?

At the moment I have this in my settings:

  motor.velocity_limit = 30.0f; // [rad/s]
  motor.voltage_limit = 0.5f * driver.voltage_limit; // [Volts] // Calcul ==> 5.57[Ohms]*1.0[Amps]=5,57[Volts] // [V] - if phase resistance not defined
  motor.current_limit = 0.95f; // Current limit [Amps] - if phase resistance defined
  motor.phase_resistance = 25.6f; // [Ohms]  // motor phase resistance // I_max = V_dc/R
  //motor.KV_rating = 43; // [rpm/Volt] - default not set // motor KV rating [rpm/V]
  // commenter les 2 ci-dessous pour avoir le test au demarrage
  //motor.zero_electric_angle = 0.11f; // zero_electric_angle
  //motor.sensor_direction = Direction::CW; // Cw/CCW // direction

you need to comment phase_resistance for voltage mode,
this is my mistake?

To be honest I donā€™t like the current estimation, I donā€™t use phase resistance with voltage mode.

It could be part of the problemā€¦ if you specify the phase resistance, you donā€™t get voltage control but rather ā€œestimated currentā€ control. In this mode, the PID values generally need to be set 10x lower than in voltage mode.

So using the same PID values as in current control mode probably wonā€™t work well.

You can remove the phase resistance for only voltage control, then the PID values are 10x higher, approximately.

Note that this is for velocity modeā€¦ in torque mode, this PID is not used.

Thanks for your answers, itā€™s clearer for me now.

The two modes Iā€™m interested in on the motor/controller pair Iā€™m testing work well,
so Iā€™m going to fine-tune them and forget the voltage mode

I donā€™t know if it would be confusing for people, but it could be useful to have a estimated_current mode as opposed to foc_current mode, so people could switch between voltage and estimated_current without having to comment phase_resistance.

During my tests with sensorless, I needed the phase_resistance for the flux observer but didnā€™t want estimated current in voltage mode.

This mode could have itā€™s own PID parameters for velocity.

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A short video of my latest test of the ā€œMKS DRIVE MINIā€ board with an iPower GM5208-24 motor in angle & foc_current mode with optimized P.I.Ds.
A serial connection via GPIO with an M5StickCPlus2 allows me to control the unit via Bluetooth.

I think the ā€œMKS DRIVE MINIā€ card is a really good solution for us, especially if it stays at this price.

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Looks like it is back at 35e

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Can anyone share photo of the XDRIVE mini PCB backside?

I didnā€™t think to take any photos when I dismantled the radiator,
I only have 1 photo under the microscope of the AS5047P part.

@Candas1 may have more photos to hand ā€¦

Download photos:
Phohos ODriLi3.6 +

Just want to check how they rerouted it around the encoder.