Category | Topics |
hardware supportThis category is intended for any type of discussion about the hardware support of the SimpleFOClibrary
applicationsThis is category is intended for discussions about the Field Oriented Control applicaitons and it doesn’t necessarily have to involve SimpleFOCShield and SimpleFOClibrary.
developementThis topic category is primarily intended for discussions about the code implementations, extensions and road-map of the SimpleFOClibrary and SimpleFOCShield.
It would be very helpful if we could discuss what are your needs and constraints for your applications and how to include it to the future releases. |
community projectsThis category is intended as a place to share and showcase projects developed by the SimpleFOC community members.
announcementThis category is intended to be used to announce the new features and/or changes of the SimpleFOC library and shield. But also to call for participation in testing.
tips-n-tutorialsHey guys!
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it. |
giveawayFinding the right hardware for our applications is sometimes hard and we end up testing a lot of different sensor/driver/mcu combinations before we find the appropriate one.