Motor Detents using foc_current without PID controller

Hi Everyone! I could really use some help with this one…

I am trying to create a code to assign the motor a current based on the given position. At a “detent” the motor would have very little to no current and then as you move away from that detent, the current would increase to try and move the motor back. I do not want to use a PID controller because I need to be able to change the feel of each detent. For example I could make a linear equation or expontential pulling you back to the dentent position to create a differnent feel.

I am currently using torque motion control type and foc_current torque control type.

Here is my code:

#include <SimpleFOC.h>

///////////////////// DEFINE ENCODER VARIABLES /////////////////////
  int ppm = 2048; // Enter the encoder pulse per revolution number
  int indexA = 2; // Enter the encoder channel pin A
  int indexB = 3; // Enter the encoder channel pin B
  int indexI = 4; // Enter the encoder channel pin Index
  int sensor_align_voltage = 5; // voltage used during sensor aligning

///////////////////// SETUP ENCODER VARIABLES /////////////////////
Encoder encoder = Encoder(indexA, indexB, ppm, indexI); // Encoder instance
void doA(){encoder.handleA();} // interrupt routine intialisation for A
void doB(){encoder.handleB();} // interrupt routine intialisation for B
//InlineCurrentSense current_sense = InlineCurrentSense(0.01f, 50.0f, A0, A2); // current sensor, not sure how it gets the q and d currents though)
void doIndex(){encoder.handleIndex();} // interrupt routine intialisation for Index

///////////////////// DEFINE MOTOR VARIABLES /////////////////////
  int pole_pairs = 1; // Enter the pole pair number for the motor
  int pwmA = 9; // Enter the motor channel pin pwmA
  int pwmB = 5; // Enter the motor channel pin pwmB
  int pwmC = 6; // Enter the motor channel pin pwmC
///////////////////// SETUP MOTOR VARIABLES /////////////////////
BLDCMotor motor = BLDCMotor(pole_pairs); // BLDCMotor motor = BLDCMotor(pole pair number);
BLDCDriver3PWM driver = BLDCDriver3PWM(pwmA, pwmB, pwmC, 8); // BLDCDriver3PWM driver = BLDCDriver3PWM(pwmA, pwmB, pwmC, Enable(optional));

///////////////////// DETENT SETTINGS /////////////////////
const float deg_to_rad = PI / 180.0;  // Conversion factor from degrees to radians
const float detent_positions_deg[] = {0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315}; // Detent positions in degrees
const float detent_positions[] = {
  detent_positions_deg[0] * deg_to_rad,
  detent_positions_deg[1] * deg_to_rad,
  detent_positions_deg[2] * deg_to_rad,
  detent_positions_deg[3] * deg_to_rad,
  detent_positions_deg[4] * deg_to_rad,
  detent_positions_deg[5] * deg_to_rad,
  detent_positions_deg[6] * deg_to_rad,
  detent_positions_deg[7] * deg_to_rad
};  // Convert to radians
float tolerance = 5 * deg_to_rad;  // 5 degrees tolerance in radians
float fixed_current = 1.5; // Fixed current to apply for correction
float current_position = 0.0; // Set first current position to 0;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200); // use monitoring with serial 
  SimpleFOCDebug::enable(&Serial); // enable more verbose output for debugging

///////////////////// ENCODER SETUP /////////////////////
  encoder.quadrature = Quadrature::ON; // enable/disable quadrature mode
  encoder.init(); // Initialize Encoder
  encoder.enableInterrupts(doA, doB, doIndex); // enabling interupts for encoder pins
  motor.linkSensor(&encoder);  // Linking encoder to motor
  Serial.println("Encoder Ready");

///////////////////// DRIVER SETUP /////////////////////
  driver.voltage_power_supply = 12; // power supply voltage [V]
  driver.init(); // Initialize Driver
  motor.linkDriver(&driver); // Linking driver to motor
  current_sense.linkDriver(&driver); // Linking current sense to driver
  current_sense.init(); // initializing current sense
  motor.linkCurrentSense(&current_sense); // linking current sense to motor
  Serial.println("Driver Ready");

///////////////////// MOTOR SETUP /////////////////////
  motor.voltage_limit = 10; // maximum voltage that can be sent to motor [V]
  motor.current_limit = 2.5; // maximum current that can be sent to motor [A]
  motor.velocity_limit = 5*PI/180; // maxium velocity motor is allowed to go [deg/s] converted into [rad/s]
  motor.voltage_sensor_align = sensor_align_voltage; // aligning voltage and sensor [V]
  motor.init(); // Initialize Motor
  Serial.println("Motor Ready");

///////////////////// FOC CONTROL TYPE /////////////////////
  motor.controller = MotionControlType::torque;
  motor.torque_controller = TorqueControlType::foc_current; // options: voltage, dc_current, foc_current
  motor.initFOC(); // Start FOC
  Serial.println("FOC Ready");
// Print First Angle //

void loop() {
  encoder.update(); // Updating the sensors internal variables
  float current_position = encoder.getMechanicalAngle(); // Get the current position of the mechanical shaft angle in the range 0 to 2PI

  // Determine the current to apply based on position
  float current_target = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(detent_positions)/sizeof(detent_positions[0]); i++) {
    float detent_position = detent_positions[i];
    if (current_position >= detent_position - tolerance && current_position <= detent_position + tolerance) {
      // Within tolerance, set current to 0
      current_target = 0;
    } else if (current_position > detent_position + tolerance) {
      // Apply negative current to move back towards detent
      current_target = -fixed_current;
    } else if (current_position < detent_position - tolerance) {
      // Apply positive current to move back towards detent
      current_target = fixed_current;

  // Apply the control current to the motor

  Serial.print("Current Position:");
  Serial.print("Assigned Current (amps):");

  // Add a small delay to allow for stable control

Have you seen the haptic code floating around on this server and on the discord?
I still think PID is right for your application, the way to handle different feel for each detent is to just handle that on a detent update event. I actually was putting some functionality for this in one of the libraries I was working on, but I never actually ended up finding a use case for unique feel per detent. I would love to know what you are trying to accomplish with it.

Hello @VIPQualityPost ,

The goal of my project is to create a code that can apply a torque to a motor at any given angle. I work on switch feel projects so in order develop different “feels” when rotating knobs you need to be able to control the torque. Typically you should have no torque (or current) at the detent. As you rotate the knob away from the detent it should have a fighting torque (opposing current) and when you are just over halfway to the next detent, the motor torque should pull you into that detent by applying a torque in the same direction as the motion.

A PID controller for this application does not seem like it will work because sometimes I might want the torque ramp up to be linear or parabolic or some other type of ramp when moving in or out of a detent.

This is why I need to specify the current delivered to the motor at any given angle.

The way I (and many others) implemented haptics does exactly what you say- it’s using a PID in torque mode, where the P term is scaled with angle error from the knob, so increased turning results in increased force until it passes a threshold. In my case I just snap to the next detent, but the code I shared above you can put whatever you like at the snap moment or change parameters so that each detent is feeling different. You really should try to read this thread: Haptic textures - #4 by Antun_Skuric

Hi @VIPQualityPost,

I will give it a try and see how it works! Thanks for sharing, I am still skeptical that I will get as much control as I am hoping to have if I use a PID. I know I can tune it to give the right feel, but it seems like it will be much harder to know exactly what torque you are going to get from the motor at the angles that are in between the detents.

Do you need a specific calibrated torque at each detent?