Custom BLDC motor, non-standard hall output


we have custom designed bldc motor with a non-standard hall output.

Hall sensor output looks like this,

100 - 4

110 - 6

111 - 7

011 - 3

001 - 1

000 - 0

It is made like this to get switching at correct intervals.

We tried a simple fix with changing the hall sensors outputs to represent an output like normal hall sensor outputs.

Is there a solution we can try?

I provided some of the original buggy (since improved) hall code a few years back, so sort of know the code a bit.

Lets look at the current implementation:

The important thing is the ELECTRIC_SECTOR which provides a mapping between the hall state and the electric sector. In the normal code a hall state of 0 and 7 are impossible and thus they are padded with -1. Given electric sector of [-1, 0, 4, 5, 2, 1, 3, -1] I can say that if the hall state is ‘3’ then by reading the electrict_sector[3] I can see that I’m in sector 5. similar a hall state of 4 is an an electric sector of 2.

Looking at your setup:

I think you need:

const int8_t ELECTRIC_SECTORS[8] = { 5,  4,  -1,  3,  0,  -1,  1 , 2 };

In your case a hall state of 2 and 5 are impossible hence their lookups are -1.

I think from looking at the code it might be possible to get what you want without changing any library code:

sensor.electric_sector = { 5,  4,  -1,  3,  0,  -1,  1 , 2 };

Maybe there should be a separate hall sensors table for Gray coding, what OP is using? I think this is standard for reducing errors due to noise as only one bit changes per transition so it’s easier to reject “false” triggers.

Can’t one also do the Gray codes with more than 3 bits? Could this open the door to hall sensors with higher resolution? Sorry if its a stupid question…

Certainly not stupid :slight_smile: But after a bit of playing with the idea, it looks like the number of steps per electrical revolution is always twice the number of sensors. Probably not enough improvement to bother with.

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Thanks Owen,

that worked great. Just added the new array into library.

Have two other issues:
Our hall sensors are not perfectly symmetrical so the is a difference for CW and CCW rotation. 4.19 and 5.24 looks to be the difference. Is it possible in simplefoc to have different offset values for CW and CCW commutation?

Unable to get low side current measurement to work. Have followed the stm32 example.
Started post a while back regarding this here: Current sense init failed! STM32F103

=((5.24 - 4.19) / PI ) * 360 = 120 degrees

I suspect this 120 degrees is no coincidence. Perhaps a bug or consequence of you using this unusual hall positioning.

You couI’d pick the value in between and stick with that i.e. set:

motor.zero_electric_angle = 4.715;

Or another thing you could try changing the motor.zero_electric_angle just before changing the direction.

Sounds normal that the offset corresponds to 120 degrees as the hall sensors are not placed perfectly between motor coils. They are offset to one side so the other side should be offset the same amount just the other way?

Changing works, but at higher speed the offset should be changed.
Starting at 4.19 works fine to a target voltage of 10 but above that the current rises.
Changing offset to 3.9 allows driving it to target voltage of 20 with same current as target voltage at 10.

Is there a function in simplefoc to create an adaptive zero offset table or should we do something completely different?

  sensor.enableInterrupts(doA, doB, doC); 
  // link the motor to the sensor

// link current sense and driver

  // driver config
  // power supply voltage [V]
  driver.voltage_power_supply = 48;
  // link driver

  // aligning voltage
  motor.voltage_sensor_align = 1;

  // set motion control loop to be used
  motor.torque_controller = TorqueControlType::voltage;
  motor.controller = MotionControlType::torque;

  // add current limit
  // motor.phase_resistance = 3.52 // [Ohm]
  // motor.current_limit = 2;   // [Amps] - if phase resistance defined
motor.voltage_limit = 25;
  // use monitoring with serial 
  // comment out if not needed

  // initialize motor

  // align sensor and start FOC

  // set the initial motor target
  // = 0.2; // Amps - if phase resistance defined = 2; // Volts 

Is the underlying problem about bad hall placement?
It would be good to see some photos of your halls and the calculations you used to decide how far to space them. i.e. the motor has 6PP and thus each PP covers 60deg. We place halls at 0deg, 20 deg, and 40deg. I think some people put it across 3 poles e.g. at 0, 4/3, 8/3 (i.e. 0 deg, 80 deg and 160deg)