40 cent magnetic angle sensing technique

Awesome! This may actually be less trouble in terms of sensor placement than digital hall sensors, since you don’t have to worry about the angular position of the sensors relative to the stator. Plus two sensors is two thirds the work soldering tiny wires and capacitors :slight_smile: EDIT: Even better, it looks like 49e hall sensors don’t even need filtering capacitors.

There are ways to do fast atan2 approximation to reduce CPU load, which should be plenty accurate for this. Here’s a good one with max error 0.28 degrees: How to Find a Fast Floating-Point atan2 Approximation - Nic Taylor

And you could switch to 8-bit ADC when the motor gets above a certain speed so you can use higher ADC clock rate to reduce the reading time. Lower precision values, but higher accuracy since less time delay means the values you have are closer to the actual rotor position.


If anyone needs sensors, let me know. I bought a pack of 100 on ebay because it was little more expensive than buying 10. It will take a couple weeks to get here though.

I found an older post on the forum about a DJI gimbal. It seems like it were utilizing this technique:


What sort of range are you getting on the voltage throughout the cycle?

I’m getting very little range with the sensor placements shown in the pdf. Only about four counts out of 1024 with the sensor placed 3mm below the lip of a 35mm diameter 12N14P motor. If I hold it directly against the outside of the rotor and slide it around, I get about ten counts of range (0x20c to 0x216). Measuring with multimeter on the sensor pin I get 2.571-2.6v (working out the math by hand, that should be 0x20e to 0x214 on the ADC).

I also tried a 28mm motor which doesn’t have a ring on the base so I can get the sensor right against the underside of the lip, and it gives similar poor results. However if I push the sensor just a little farther inside the motor then I get much greater range, about 0x1dc-0x248 (108 counts). But I wonder if the output would still be sinusoidal in there, and if the field from the nearby stator coils would interfere too much.

Do you think my motors are just too well made and don’t leak enough flux to use this kind of sensor? Or do they come in different sensitivity ranges and I got the wrong kind? Any other ideas I could try?

This is what I bought, which doesn’t have any specs listed 100pcs 49E Hall element OH49E SS49E Hall sensor Hall Effect Sensor | eBay

Based on the picture in my initial post, it looks like I was getting somewhere in the vicinity of 0.7V amplitude, and my hall sensors came from aliexpress if it makes any difference.

Could you please post some pictures of your setup, or provide links to the motors you are using? Otherwise, the best feedback I can offer is that it is very likely that the back-iron on your motors is too thick to let any magnetic field through as you suspect. It is fairly easy to tell if a motor will work by checking whether something metal will stick to the rotor shell with any substantial force, and about half of my motors won’t even attract a paperclip.

I have also looked at the second sensor orientation with the oscilloscope, with the halls under the motor lip, and the waveform looked pretty decent to me. I think the magnetic field from the magnets dominates the magnetic field generated by the stator coils, but this is just anecdotal for now. The challenge with this sensor placement is the sharper curvature of the magnetic field in the area under the lip makes it much harder to achieve optimal positioning and signal amplitude.

The motors I’m using are Surpass 2814 (SURPASS HOBBY 2814 C3536 14 Poles Brushless Motor for RC Airplane Fixed-wing | eBay) and T-Motor 2208 (7uytjhgc nv 16 PCS T-MOTOR 2208 CW Brushless 1450kv, For Drones And RC Cars. | eBay). I have the 2208 stator mounted on a custom base with digital hall sensors, which doesn’t have anything blocking access to the underside of the rotor.

And yes, it looks like just not enough leakage flux on most motors to use this technique. The only one I have that feels at all magnetic on the outside is Racerstar BR4114. I’ll try the inside positioning and see what sort of signal quality I get, but it will have to wait until next time I’m machining a custom stator mount. I’ll include pockets for three digital hall sensors, plus a fourth pocket that’s positioned relative to one of the others for a second linear hall so I can test that first.

Thanks for the update, I actually also have the 2208 T-motor, and testing it with the linear halls shows basically zero output just as you have seen. All of the motors you are using have the unfortunate feature of a flux redirection plate on the bottom that blocks direct access to the magnets.

I hope the Racerstar motor works for you!

Alrighty, got my stator mount done, and this technique is looking more viable now. In the first photo with the sensors properly in the pockets, I get a total range of 96 counts out of 1024 on the ADC. That might work but still seems a little low, so I tried hot gluing a sensor up on top of the 1mm high pocket wall. That puts it very close to contacting the rotor, but gets 280 counts. Next time I think I’ll split the difference and raise the pockets up 0.5mm or a bit more (I made several mistakes in the machining of this one so it’s sort of a throwaway anyway).

Now there is the issue of how to actually read them. The DYS SN40A ESC that I’m currently using only has one unused ADC pin, so I’d have to irreversibly modify it to get both sensors readable. I also have a B-G431B-ESC1, but they don’t have easily accessible ADC pins either. There are two itsy bitsy solder pads, one labeled TP3 that connects to pin 18 (PB1/ADC1_IN12), and the other unlabeled but visibly connected to pin 10 (PA2/ADC1_IN3), but I’m not sure if I can hit them without taking out any other little SMD components.

Hopefully Valentine will come through with the Lepton board, with easily accessible ADC pins and even higher current capacity :slight_smile: I may just work with the digital hall sensors for now.


Hey, YES! It appears to be the exact same thing I was talking about!

I have really been interested in the possibilities of being able to buy stock DJI Mavic 1/2/3 or mini gimbals on AliExpress for cheap & retrofitting the stock (22 pin FPC & Micro-Coaxial) connectors to a different stand-alone driver.

After tearing a couple apart and, researching them, it seems like they use 2 small linear hall sensors for their “secret sauce” for smooth closed loop driver. They have limited degrees of rotation constraints depending on Pan/Tilt/Yaw Axis…

I really think there’s a ton of potential here for The DIY maker open source community map the stock MIPI CSI-2 image sensor wires on DJI Gimbal to something like a raspberry pi MIPI camera or, even adapt the pins on something like a GoPro which uses the same MIPI CSI pinout…

It will be interesting to see if Someone figures out how to do it!:grin::popcorn::popcorn:

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Finally the time has come to try this again, and it works great! Better in every way from digital halls. Easier, cheaper, and more precise. Fewer wires and CPU pins needed, and can run on 3.3V.

This time I’m using a 2204 motor which I’ve hacked up and glued to a gearbox, and didn’t do a great job of it so it’s a little wobbly. The sensor mount is 3D printed.

I’ve also ground the lip off the underside of the rotor to allow more flux leakage and get the sensors nearly touching the magnets. The radial placement has them just outside of the copper coils so hitting the coils wouldn’t be the limiting factor on how close I could get to the magnets.

This motor is nice because I can easily change the axial distance. After some testing, I’d say around 1mm is best. The greater the distance, the more sinusoidal the waveform becomes, but the resolution diminishes. This gives a resolution of around 100-130 ADC counts, whereas placing the sensors very close to the magnets gets up to around 200 counts, but the waveform becomes more trapezoidal with inverted peaks. I suspect smaller radial distance would improve that, and then maybe you could get a bit better resolution before running into the coils.

You can also see the signature of the wobble in my motor. The amplitude varies throughout the 7 electrical revolutions as the magnets get closer and farther from the sensors. But since atan2 doesn’t have a specific input range, it makes no difference to the angle reading.

It appears the green sensor is slightly closer to the magnets since it has higher amplitude than the blue one. It runs a little better if I use the range scaling from XieMaster’s implementation, but I would vote for nanoparticle’s version to be the one included in SimpleFOC for its speed and simplicity (only subtracting the center value for each sensor). Better to fix the amplitude issue by adjusting sensor distance.

There seems to be a problem with the ADC configuration using the Generic G031G8Ux configuration on Lepton, because it’s taking 250 microseconds per analogRead. My main loop is 400 micros otherwise, so the majority of the time is spent reading sensors. Low speed works fine but it tops out around 100rad/s.


So the ADC configuration turns out to be a major hurdle, and not something I can tackle myself due to lack of hardware to test all the different versions of it. It should be possible to configure for good performance on an individual basis, but it will be a while before this sensor class is usable out of the box, at least on STM32 (analogRead may be fast enough on other platforms).

Also, I was curious if you could replace the digital halls in a hoverboard motor with linear halls and use clarke transform to convert the 3 signals to an angle. But after testing with one sensor, it looks like the signal is too saturated to use.

Not sure if this helps, but you can get linear halls with varying sensitivity (I actually had the opposite problem and was looking for more sensitive halls for a project a while back). Check out the
HX6639 series of hall sensors, with the A, B, C, and D variants.

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I finally found the actual hardware documentation for Lepton’s STM32G031 STM32G0 Series - PDF Documentation and the ADC is really easy to use if you bypass the ridiculously overcomplicated HAL and LL libraries and just work with the registers directly. Seriously, what even is the point of a library if it makes it more difficult to figure out what is the proper sequence of operations to accomplish a task, while wasting massive amounts of CPU cycles and flash space, and is still different for each line of stm32 chips?

I’ve added a weakly bound function ReadLinearHalls that does the analogRead operations, so you can override it with custom code on platforms with bad analogRead implementation. The register #defines here are my own, so this code will not compile directly, but shows how little work actually needs to be done to operate the ADC.

void ReadLinearHalls(int pinA, int pinB, int *a, int *b)
  ADCCFGR1 = ADCCFGR1_WAIT; // Wait until ADCDR is read before starting second conversion
  ADCCFGR2 = ADCCFGR2_OVSE | ADCCFGR2_PVSR(3) | ADCCFGR2_OVSS(4); // 16x oversampling, shifted down 4 bits
  ADCCHSELR = (1<<pinA)|(1<<pinB);
  ADCCR |= ADCCR_ADEN; // Enable ADC
  while(!(ADCISR & ADCISR_EOC));
  sensor.lastA = ADCDR; // Reading ADCDR clears the end-of-conversion flag
  while(!(ADCISR & ADCISR_EOC));
  sensor.lastB = ADCDR;
  ADCCR |= ADCCR_ADDIS; // Disable ADC (saves power, and would need re-armed by next frame anyway (100us t-idle from datasheet)

Also a couple things needed in setup()

  ADCCR = ADCCR_ADVREGEN; // Enable voltage regulator
  delayMicroseconds(20); // Voltage regulator startup time from STM32G031 datasheet

But when used together with hardware current sense, you will have to go through the HAL library and be careful not to step on the toes of the current sense ADC configuration.

The pinA and pinB variables refer to ADC channels in this case rather than port pin names like PA1, so I had to remove the pinMode(pin, INPUT); calls in LinearHall::init. But that should be fine since pins are typically input at startup, and in my case it’s convenient if nothing touches them because on STM32, digital input and analog input are separate modes, and analog is the default. You can always configure them manually before calling sensor.init if there are any platforms where it matters.

I’ve also got it going with the fast atan2 I linked in post #12. I’ve gone from over 700 microseconds for the angle reading (250 per analogRead, 200 for atan2) to 35 (7 for the ADC operations, 28 for atan2). About 2000% speedup :lol: And about 5kb of flash saved. And for the cost of 6 more microseconds I can have 8x oversampling to significantly improve the signal quality.

@nanoparticle If it’s ok with you, I’ll do a pull request with this in the main repository sensors folder, rather than drivers repository. Though I feel terrible replacing your name as the original contributor :frowning:


Absolutely go for it, especially since I’ve kind of moved on from this particular project. I really appreciate the effort, and definitely prefer to see progress be made.


Is this fast atan2 even faster than this one?

Apparently it’s been a while since I did a merge :slight_smile: That one measures about 43 micros, which makes sense due to having 9-10 flops instead of 6. Do you know what its maximum error is? I’m guessing it’s better than the 0.29 degrees for the one I’m using, since it has three constants instead of two.

I left in the comments the origin of this method:

To be honest, as I knew it was used in Odrive and MESC, I didn’t even try to understand how it works.

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Hey, guys. I was looking around foc drivers and I noticed this sin cos cordic method. https://github.com/simplefoc/Arduino-FOC-drivers/tree/dev/src/utilities/stm32math
It needs specific stm32 proccesors that have the cordic hardware but it should be a lot less computationally intensive.

Neat, I didn’t know CORDIC did atan. It doesn’t look like it’s been implemented in that library you linked, but it is in the HAL headers. It would certainly be more accurate than the approximation functions we’ve been using, but since the sensor readings aren’t perfect sin/cos waves, I doubt the difference would be noticeable. It will need some testing to see how the speed compares.

Hi Swifty,

Welcome to SimpleFOC!

We already support the CORDIC for Sin/Cos on MCUs that have one:

For atan2 we’d have to switch it’s setup between Sine and Atan2 configuration each time between different operations, I think

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