Step by step guide to JLC PCB

Hi All,
I’ve been itching to try out JLC PCB automated assembly for ages and it would appear that the foc mini is a good place to start. I would need several and possibly repeat orders over time.

Unfortunately I have zero experience in designing and ordering PCBs or the tools required to do it.

Could someone please point me to a good tutorial on how to take the data from the git and order an assembled board via JLC? There are several YouTube videos out there but they all seem to assume a level of basic knowledge on the tools and files etc.

Any constructive thoughts would be much appreciated!

All the best
Barry M

Hey @CNCModeller,

I’ve created a video some time ago about the SimpleFOCShield.
It shows how to download and order your own boards:

And for SimpleFOCMini you have this page in the docs. Its a picture based step by step guide, not a video though :smiley:

Thanks @Antun_Skuric that’s great.
I’ll give it a go!

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