MosquiNo - Yukon concept


PS I don’t want to overpromise because I’m super busy but if you really, really get stuck I could edit and fix your problems if you share the project with me and make me a developer (or whatever easyeda needs for someone to edit a project).

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Thankyou. I have made those changes here but now have more DRC errors to work through. I’ll update here when those are resolved.

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Now down to a single DRC error in 2.3; One Vsupp incomplete connection. I can’t figure out where though?

I still need to bulk up the connections to the motor pins and the power supply. Unsure how to do that.

Add me as a developer. Right click on your project , Manage Project, Members, Add Member, Search for VALENTINE with all caps. Add as a developer role.


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I think I’ve just done that

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Sure, give me a little time to familiarize with the board, Don’t do anything on the board meanwhile. Cheers! Valentine

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I cleaned up the DRCs, rebuilt the copper pours, rerouted some nets and rebuild the phase power out, and tried to keep as much of the original routing however you need to practice. The area around the buck converter seems problematic.


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Nice thanks. I really appreciate it. Do you think it’s at the stage of making a couple to see if it works? Or does the buck really need more attention before it’s going to work?


It will probably work, so it’s worth the experiment.


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I noticed the small detail of having no way to program the MCU

Looking at the Mosquito manual

So in version 2.4 I broke out SWCLK, SWIO, 3V and DRST to the ‘spare’ pins

Is that correct that NRST and DRESET are functionally equivalent in this case?

You don’t need those, unless you plan on some heavy duty development and debugging. Just follow the manual, only pull out the 3v, ground, clock, and io. There are only four lines coming out of the picture.


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