hi guys, so i am trying to integrate AS5600 with STorM32 v1.32 currently loaded with v.90 firmware. i have tried running the code in arduino after making the connections. i connected the encoder and arduino and storm32 to arduino and uploaded the code. i was able to see the angle of the motor but i was not able to control the motor with STorM32. there is no option to choose or connect the encoder in the boards GUI. i have even tried connecting the encoder directly to the StorM32 board (vcc.gnd.sda,scl).
Hi, and welcome to SimpleFOC!
I’m afraid I don’t fully understand your question… what are you asking us?
It’s possible to run SimpleFOC on the Storm32 board, but then you can’t use the original configuration GUIs. They would not support SimpleFOC.
It’s possible to use AS5600 with SinpleFOC. We support it with our general MagneticSensorI2C driver as well as a dedicated driver.
It’s not possible to use more than one AS5600 on the same I2C as the address is fixed. If you need more than one you need to use seperate I2C buses.
Hi, thanks for replying. So basically I am trying run simpleFOC on the STorM32 BGO v1.32 which is current installed with firmware ver0.90. I am not able to configure the board so that I can use it with the encoder. There is no option in its GUI where I can set the encoder. I tried flashing it with new ver0.96 firmware via USB and also with FTDI connector but it gets aborted or in case of FTDI this shows in DOS box
Opening Port [OK]
Activating device [KO]
ERROR: No response from the target, the Bootloader cannot be started.
Please, verify the boot mode configuration, reset your device then try again.
Press any key to continue …
Can you please tell me how to configure the STorM32 so that I can run SimpleFoc?
Ouch, ok i understand…
First thing to check is the option bytes of the storm board, you will need a serial connection, or even better, a SWD connection via STLink. With the free tool „STM32CubeProgrammer“ you can check the OB tab to verify the option bytes.
Some of the Storm boards I have used have been locked by option byte, and you have to unlock them before you can flash new firmware.
Once the board is unlocked you can flash the 0.96 firmware with STMCubeProgrammer or ArduinoIDE.
But the official firmware is not based on SimpleFOC so if you want to use FOC you’ll have to write your own firmware for it.