Help Needed to Create Example Code

We are working on a project for one of our clients that will use the SimpleFOC library (under Arduino and Platform.IO) and a SimpleFOC Mini controller board. We are also using the ESP32 microcontroller (probably the Seeed Studio XIAO-ESP32-C3 or the WEMOS LOLIN32 board).

We need to control a very small sensorless BLDC motor at as slow of speeds as possible (from 0 to perhaps 150 RPM). The motor has just the three phase wires. We do not need positional control, only control of direction (CW and CCW) and approximate speeds, again as slowly as we can achieve with this setup. We’d like to be able to specify an RPM and direction, and have the motor respond accordingly. Also, there is little to no load on the motor (it will be spinning an optical target).

Our team has never worked with this library or controller in previous projects, and we are focused on other aspects of the project. So we are looking for someone who can write some example code for us, along with the wiring guidance to connect the SimpleFOC Mini to the ESP32 board.

If you are interested in helping us with this project, please let me know how much you would charge us for this, and let me know of any questions you have and we can discuss this further.

– TSJim

Hi TSJim,

The wiring is very simple, as well as the barebones code to get things turning. I would recommend if you want to be able to support the product that you are providing, that you just read through some of the examples that are already provided on the documentation page, it will help you familiarize yourself.

This page shows you how to include the library and the minimum steps required to make it work, you can do it in about 15 minutes.
Keep in mind if you want to keep things spinning smoothly at low rates you will want to use an encoder to try and counteract cogging torque, which is especially present at these low speeds.

Reading up is highly advisable, but I have a lot of sympathy for the reality that most people do not have time to know most things.

I suggest using my waveform generator code, which although crude (I am basically the last person ever that should be giving advice here), it does appear to work fine and is almost as smooth as can be.

#include <SimpleFOC.h>

BLDCMotor motor = BLDCMotor(7); 
BLDCDriver6PWM driver = BLDCDriver6PWM(PA8, PA7, PB3, PB0, PB6, PB1);
float goal_speed =0;
float v=1;
int mode = 0;
float angle_for_angle_mode = 0;
void SerialComm()
  case 'T': goal_speed = Serial.parseFloat();break;
  case 't': Serial.print("T"); Serial.println(goal_speed); break;

  case 'V': v = Serial.parseFloat(); break;
  case 'v': Serial.print("V"); Serial.println(v); break;
//  case 'S': p_gain = Serial.parseFloat(); Serial.print("P");break;
  case 'e': Serial.print("e"); Serial.println(motor.shaft_angle); break;
  case 'A': angle_for_angle_mode = Serial.parseFloat(); break;
  case 'M': Serial.print("mode changed"); mode = int(Serial.parseFloat()); break;

 // case 'I': diff_filter.Tf = Serial.parseFloat(); Serial.print("I");break;
//  case 'i': Serial.print("f:"); Serial.println(diff_filter.Tf); break;
 // case 'D': d_gain = Serial.parseFloat(); Serial.print("d_gain set");
 // case 'd': Serial.print("d_gain is:"); Serial.println(d_gain); break;
//  case 'O': i_windup_limit = Serial.parseFloat(); Serial.print("i_windup_limit set");
  //case 'o': Serial.print("windup limit is:"); Serial.println(i_windup_limit); break;
//  case 'U': setpoint = Serial.parseFloat(); Serial.print("S"); break;
//  case 'u': Serial.print("s:"); Serial.println(setpoint); break;

void e_val_req(){

void setup() {
  Serial.println("test serial");
  // driver config
  // power supply voltage [V]
  driver.voltage_power_supply = 24;

  // link the motor and the driver
  // limiting motor movements
  motor.voltage_limit = 3;   // [V]
  motor.velocity_limit = 520; // [rad/s]
  // open loop control config
  motor.controller = MotionControlType::velocity_openloop;

  // init motor hardware
  motor.voltage_limit = 2;
  goal_speed = 2;
  pinMode(PA4, INPUT_PULLUP);//might want to change that to INPUT_PULLUP at some point, wasn't sure if that would work
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PA4), e_val_req, RISING);
//  for (int j = 0; j<(maxradianspersec*accel_step_divisions); j++){
///     for (int i = 0; i<accel_loops; i++){
 //    motor.move(j/accel_step_divisions);
 //       } 
 // motor.voltage_limit = 2.4+(3.6*(float(j)/(maxradianspersec*accel_step_divisions))); 
  // Serial.println(motor.voltage_limit);
 // }
void loop() {

  case 0: 
  motor.controller = MotionControlType::velocity_openloop;
  for (int q = 0; q<10;q++){
   for(int j=0;j<10;j++){

     if ( < goal_speed-0.3){ =;

     if ( > goal_speed){ =;
     for (int i=0;i<20;i++){ // Motor.move goes at about 37khz with a for loop, probably a bit faster this way, with multiple one after the other. actually no because a for loop comparison is extremely fast compared to the code in motor.move but whatever.
    motor.voltage_limit = v;
  case 1: 
    motor.controller = MotionControlType::angle_openloop;
  for (int w = 0 ; w < 10; w++){
      motor.voltage_limit = v;


You may also require the library I modified for the purpose, or you will get a click once per revolution as there is a small inadequacy in the open loop code. Actually I will just paste the modified code here.

#include "BLDCMotor.h"
#include "./communication/SimpleFOCDebug.h"

// see Slide 5
// each is 60 degrees with values for 3 phases of 1=positive -1=negative 0=high-z
int trap_120_map[6][3] = {

// see Slide 8
// each is 30 degrees with values for 3 phases of 1=positive -1=negative 0=high-z
int trap_150_map[12][3] = {

// BLDCMotor( int pp , float R)
// - pp            - pole pair number
// - R             - motor phase resistance
// - KV            - motor kv rating (rmp/v)
// - L             - motor phase inductance
BLDCMotor::BLDCMotor(int pp, float _R, float _KV, float _inductance)
: FOCMotor()
  // save pole pairs number
  pole_pairs = pp;
  // save phase resistance number
  phase_resistance = _R;
  // save back emf constant KV = 1/KV
  // 1/sqrt(2) - rms value
  KV_rating = _KV*_SQRT2;
  // save phase inductance
  phase_inductance = _inductance;

  // torque control type is voltage by default
  torque_controller = TorqueControlType::voltage;

	Link the driver which controls the motor
void BLDCMotor::linkDriver(BLDCDriver* _driver) {
  driver = _driver;

// init hardware pins
void BLDCMotor::init() {
  if (!driver || !driver->initialized) {
    motor_status = FOCMotorStatus::motor_init_failed;
    SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Init not possible, driver not initialized");
  motor_status = FOCMotorStatus::motor_initializing;

  // sanity check for the voltage limit configuration
  if(voltage_limit > driver->voltage_limit) voltage_limit =  driver->voltage_limit;
  // constrain voltage for sensor alignment
  if(voltage_sensor_align > voltage_limit) voltage_sensor_align = voltage_limit;

  // update the controller limits
    // current control loop controls voltage
    PID_current_q.limit = voltage_limit;
    PID_current_d.limit = voltage_limit;
  if(_isset(phase_resistance) || torque_controller != TorqueControlType::voltage){
    // velocity control loop controls current
    PID_velocity.limit = current_limit;
    // velocity control loop controls the voltage
    PID_velocity.limit = voltage_limit;
  P_angle.limit = velocity_limit;

  // enable motor
  SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Enable driver.");
  motor_status = FOCMotorStatus::motor_uncalibrated;

// disable motor driver
void BLDCMotor::disable()
  // set zero to PWM
  driver->setPwm(0, 0, 0);
  // disable the driver
  // motor status update
  enabled = 0;
// enable motor driver
void BLDCMotor::enable()
  // enable the driver
  // set zero to PWM
  driver->setPwm(0, 0, 0);
  // motor status update
  enabled = 1;

  FOC functions
// FOC initialization function
int  BLDCMotor::initFOC( float zero_electric_offset, Direction _sensor_direction) {
  int exit_flag = 1;

  motor_status = FOCMotorStatus::motor_calibrating;

  // align motor if necessary
  // alignment necessary for encoders!
    // abosolute zero offset provided - no need to align
    zero_electric_angle = zero_electric_offset;
    // set the sensor direction - default CW
    sensor_direction = _sensor_direction;

  // sensor and motor alignment - can be skipped
  // by setting motor.sensor_direction and motor.zero_electric_angle
    exit_flag *= alignSensor();
    // added the shaft_angle update
    shaft_angle = shaftAngle();
  }else {
    exit_flag = 0; // no FOC without sensor
    SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: No sensor.");

  // aligning the current sensor - can be skipped
  // checks if driver phases are the same as current sense phases
  // and checks the direction of measuremnt.
      if (!current_sense->initialized) {
        motor_status = FOCMotorStatus::motor_calib_failed;
        SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Init FOC error, current sense not initialized");
        exit_flag = 0;
        exit_flag *= alignCurrentSense();
    else SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: No current sense.");

    motor_status = FOCMotorStatus::motor_ready;
    SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Init FOC failed.");
    motor_status = FOCMotorStatus::motor_calib_failed;

  return exit_flag;

// Calibarthe the motor and current sense phases
int BLDCMotor::alignCurrentSense() {
  int exit_flag = 1; // success

  SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Align current sense.");

  // align current sense and the driver
  exit_flag = current_sense->driverAlign(voltage_sensor_align);
    // error in current sense - phase either not measured or bad connection
    SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Align error!");
    exit_flag = 0;
    // output the alignment status flag
    SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Success: ", exit_flag);

  return exit_flag > 0;

// Encoder alignment to electrical 0 angle
int BLDCMotor::alignSensor() {
  int exit_flag = 1; //success
  SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Align sensor.");

  // check if sensor needs zero search
  if(sensor->needsSearch()) exit_flag = absoluteZeroSearch();
  // stop init if not found index
  if(!exit_flag) return exit_flag;

  // if unknown natural direction

    // find natural direction
    // move one electrical revolution forward
    for (int i = 0; i <=500; i++ ) {
      float angle = _3PI_2 + _2PI * i / 500.0f;
      setPhaseVoltage(voltage_sensor_align, 0,  angle);
    // take and angle in the middle
    float mid_angle = sensor->getAngle();
    // move one electrical revolution backwards
    for (int i = 500; i >=0; i-- ) {
      float angle = _3PI_2 + _2PI * i / 500.0f ;
      setPhaseVoltage(voltage_sensor_align, 0,  angle);
    float end_angle = sensor->getAngle();
    setPhaseVoltage(0, 0, 0);
    // determine the direction the sensor moved
    float moved =  fabs(mid_angle - end_angle);
    if (moved<MIN_ANGLE_DETECT_MOVEMENT) { // minimum angle to detect movement
      SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Failed to notice movement");
      return 0; // failed calibration
    } else if (mid_angle < end_angle) {
      SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: sensor_direction==CCW");
      sensor_direction = Direction::CCW;
    } else{
      SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: sensor_direction==CW");
      sensor_direction = Direction::CW;
    // check pole pair number
    if( fabs(moved*pole_pairs - _2PI) > 0.5f ) { // 0.5f is arbitrary number it can be lower or higher!
      SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: PP check: fail - estimated pp: ", _2PI/moved);
    } else 
      SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: PP check: OK!");

  } else SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Skip dir calib.");

  // zero electric angle not known
    // align the electrical phases of the motor and sensor
    // set angle -90(270 = 3PI/2) degrees
    setPhaseVoltage(voltage_sensor_align, 0,  _3PI_2);
    // read the sensor
    // get the current zero electric angle
    zero_electric_angle = 0;
    zero_electric_angle = electricalAngle();
    //zero_electric_angle =  _normalizeAngle(_electricalAngle(sensor_direction*sensor->getAngle(), pole_pairs));
      SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Zero elec. angle: ", zero_electric_angle);
    // stop everything
    setPhaseVoltage(0, 0, 0);
  }else SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Skip offset calib.");
  return exit_flag;

// Encoder alignment the absolute zero angle
// - to the index
int BLDCMotor::absoluteZeroSearch() {
  // sensor precision: this is all ok, as the search happens near the 0-angle, where the precision
  //                    of float is sufficient.
  SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Index search...");
  // search the absolute zero with small velocity
  float limit_vel = velocity_limit;
  float limit_volt = voltage_limit;
  velocity_limit = velocity_index_search;
  voltage_limit = voltage_sensor_align;
  shaft_angle = 0;
  while(sensor->needsSearch() && shaft_angle < _2PI){
    // call important for some sensors not to loose count
    // not needed for the search
  // disable motor
  setPhaseVoltage(0, 0, 0);
  // reinit the limits
  velocity_limit = limit_vel;
  voltage_limit = limit_volt;
  // check if the zero found
    if(sensor->needsSearch()) SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Error: Not found!");
    else SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: Success!");
  return !sensor->needsSearch();

// Iterative function looping FOC algorithm, setting Uq on the Motor
// The faster it can be run the better
void BLDCMotor::loopFOC() {
  // update sensor - do this even in open-loop mode, as user may be switching between modes and we could lose track
  //                 of full rotations otherwise.
  if (sensor) sensor->update();

  // if open-loop do nothing
  if( controller==MotionControlType::angle_openloop || controller==MotionControlType::velocity_openloop ) return;
  // if disabled do nothing
  if(!enabled) return;

  // Needs the update() to be called first
  // This function will not have numerical issues because it uses Sensor::getMechanicalAngle() 
  // which is in range 0-2PI
  electrical_angle = electricalAngle();
  switch (torque_controller) {
    case TorqueControlType::voltage:
      // no need to do anything really
    case TorqueControlType::dc_current:
      if(!current_sense) return;
      // read overall current magnitude
      current.q = current_sense->getDCCurrent(electrical_angle);
      // filter the value values
      current.q = LPF_current_q(current.q);
      // calculate the phase voltage
      voltage.q = PID_current_q(current_sp - current.q);
      // d voltage  - lag compensation
      if(_isset(phase_inductance)) voltage.d = _constrain( -current_sp*shaft_velocity*pole_pairs*phase_inductance, -voltage_limit, voltage_limit);
      else voltage.d = 0;
    case TorqueControlType::foc_current:
      if(!current_sense) return;
      // read dq currents
      current = current_sense->getFOCCurrents(electrical_angle);
      // filter values
      current.q = LPF_current_q(current.q);
      current.d = LPF_current_d(current.d);
      // calculate the phase voltages
      voltage.q = PID_current_q(current_sp - current.q);
      voltage.d = PID_current_d(-current.d);
      // d voltage - lag compensation - TODO verify
      // if(_isset(phase_inductance)) voltage.d = _constrain( voltage.d - current_sp*shaft_velocity*pole_pairs*phase_inductance, -voltage_limit, voltage_limit);
      // no torque control selected
      SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("MOT: no torque control selected!");

  // set the phase voltage - FOC heart function :)
  setPhaseVoltage(voltage.q, voltage.d, electrical_angle);

// Iterative function running outer loop of the FOC algorithm
// Behavior of this function is determined by the motor.controller variable
// It runs either angle, velocity or torque loop
// - needs to be called iteratively it is asynchronous function
// - if target is not set it uses value
void BLDCMotor::move(float new_target) {

  // downsampling (optional)
  if(motion_cnt++ < motion_downsample) return;
  motion_cnt = 0;

  // shaft angle/velocity need the update() to be called first
  // get shaft angle
  // TODO sensor precision: the shaft_angle actually stores the complete position, including full rotations, as a float
  //                        For this reason it is NOT precise when the angles become large.
  //                        Additionally, the way LPF works on angle is a precision issue, and the angle-LPF is a problem
  //                        when switching to a 2-component representation.
  if( controller!=MotionControlType::angle_openloop && controller!=MotionControlType::velocity_openloop ) 
    shaft_angle = shaftAngle(); // read value even if motor is disabled to keep the monitoring updated but not in openloop mode
  // get angular velocity  TODO the velocity reading probably also shouldn't happen in open loop modes?
  shaft_velocity = shaftVelocity(); // read value even if motor is disabled to keep the monitoring updated

  // if disabled do nothing
  if(!enabled) return;
  // set internal target variable
  if(_isset(new_target)) target = new_target;
  // calculate the back-emf voltage if KV_rating available U_bemf = vel*(1/KV)
  if (_isset(KV_rating)) voltage_bemf = shaft_velocity/KV_rating/_RPM_TO_RADS;
  // estimate the motor current if phase reistance available and current_sense not available
  if(!current_sense && _isset(phase_resistance)) current.q = (voltage.q - voltage_bemf)/phase_resistance;

  // upgrade the current based voltage limit
  switch (controller) {
    case MotionControlType::torque:
      if(torque_controller == TorqueControlType::voltage){ // if voltage torque control
        if(!_isset(phase_resistance))  voltage.q = target;
        else  voltage.q =  target*phase_resistance + voltage_bemf;
        voltage.q = _constrain(voltage.q, -voltage_limit, voltage_limit);
        // set d-component (lag compensation if known inductance)
        if(!_isset(phase_inductance)) voltage.d = 0;
        else voltage.d = _constrain( -target*shaft_velocity*pole_pairs*phase_inductance, -voltage_limit, voltage_limit);
        current_sp = target; // if current/foc_current torque control
    case MotionControlType::angle:
      // TODO sensor precision: this calculation is not numerically precise. The target value cannot express precise positions when
      //                        the angles are large. This results in not being able to command small changes at high position values.
      //                        to solve this, the delta-angle has to be calculated in a numerically precise way.
      // angle set point
      shaft_angle_sp = target;
      // calculate velocity set point
      shaft_velocity_sp = P_angle( shaft_angle_sp - shaft_angle );
      // calculate the torque command - sensor precision: this calculation is ok, but based on bad value from previous calculation
      current_sp = PID_velocity(shaft_velocity_sp - shaft_velocity); // if voltage torque control
      // if torque controlled through voltage
      if(torque_controller == TorqueControlType::voltage){
        // use voltage if phase-resistance not provided
        if(!_isset(phase_resistance))  voltage.q = current_sp;
        else  voltage.q =  _constrain( current_sp*phase_resistance + voltage_bemf , -voltage_limit, voltage_limit);
        // set d-component (lag compensation if known inductance)
        if(!_isset(phase_inductance)) voltage.d = 0;
        else voltage.d = _constrain( -current_sp*shaft_velocity*pole_pairs*phase_inductance, -voltage_limit, voltage_limit);
    case MotionControlType::velocity:
      // velocity set point - sensor precision: this calculation is numerically precise.
      shaft_velocity_sp = target;
      // calculate the torque command
      current_sp = PID_velocity(shaft_velocity_sp - shaft_velocity); // if current/foc_current torque control
      // if torque controlled through voltage control
      if(torque_controller == TorqueControlType::voltage){
        // use voltage if phase-resistance not provided
        if(!_isset(phase_resistance))  voltage.q = current_sp;
        else  voltage.q = _constrain( current_sp*phase_resistance + voltage_bemf , -voltage_limit, voltage_limit);
        // set d-component (lag compensation if known inductance)
        if(!_isset(phase_inductance)) voltage.d = 0;
        else voltage.d = _constrain( -current_sp*shaft_velocity*pole_pairs*phase_inductance, -voltage_limit, voltage_limit);
    case MotionControlType::velocity_openloop:
      // velocity control in open loop - sensor precision: this calculation is numerically precise.
      shaft_velocity_sp = target;
      voltage.q = velocityOpenloop(shaft_velocity_sp); // returns the voltage that is set to the motor
      voltage.d = 0;
    case MotionControlType::angle_openloop:
      // angle control in open loop - 
      // TODO sensor precision: this calculation NOT numerically precise, and subject
      //                        to the same problems in small set-point changes at high angles 
      //                        as the closed loop version.
      shaft_angle_sp = target;
      voltage.q = angleOpenloop(shaft_angle_sp); // returns the voltage that is set to the motor
      voltage.d = 0;

// Method using FOC to set Uq and Ud to the motor at the optimal angle
// Function implementing Space Vector PWM and Sine PWM algorithms
// Function using sine approximation
// regular sin + cos ~300us    (no memory usage)
// approx  _sin + _cos ~110us  (400Byte ~ 20% of memory)
void BLDCMotor::setPhaseVoltage(float Uq, float Ud, float angle_el) {

  float center;
  int sector;
  float _ca,_sa;

  switch (foc_modulation)
    case FOCModulationType::Trapezoid_120 :
      // see Slide 5
      // determine the sector
      sector = 6 * (_normalizeAngle(angle_el + _PI_6 ) / _2PI); // adding PI/6 to align with other modes
      // centering the voltages around either
      // modulation_centered == true > driver.voltage_limit/2
      // modulation_centered == false > or Adaptable centering, all phases drawn to 0 when Uq=0
      center = modulation_centered ? (driver->voltage_limit)/2 : Uq;

      if(trap_120_map[sector][0]  == _HIGH_IMPEDANCE){
        Ua= center;
        Ub = trap_120_map[sector][1] * Uq + center;
        Uc = trap_120_map[sector][2] * Uq + center;     
        driver->setPhaseState(PhaseState::PHASE_OFF, PhaseState::PHASE_ON, PhaseState::PHASE_ON); // disable phase if possible
      }else if(trap_120_map[sector][1]  == _HIGH_IMPEDANCE){
        Ua = trap_120_map[sector][0] * Uq + center;
        Ub = center;
        Uc = trap_120_map[sector][2] * Uq + center;
        driver->setPhaseState(PhaseState::PHASE_ON, PhaseState::PHASE_OFF, PhaseState::PHASE_ON);// disable phase if possible
        Ua = trap_120_map[sector][0] * Uq + center;
        Ub = trap_120_map[sector][1] * Uq + center;
        Uc = center;
        driver->setPhaseState(PhaseState::PHASE_ON, PhaseState::PHASE_ON, PhaseState::PHASE_OFF);// disable phase if possible


    case FOCModulationType::Trapezoid_150 :
      // see Slide 8
      // determine the sector
      sector = 12 * (_normalizeAngle(angle_el + _PI_6 ) / _2PI); // adding PI/6 to align with other modes
      // centering the voltages around either
      // modulation_centered == true > driver.voltage_limit/2
      // modulation_centered == false > or Adaptable centering, all phases drawn to 0 when Uq=0
      center = modulation_centered ? (driver->voltage_limit)/2 : Uq;

      if(trap_150_map[sector][0]  == _HIGH_IMPEDANCE){
        Ua= center;
        Ub = trap_150_map[sector][1] * Uq + center;
        Uc = trap_150_map[sector][2] * Uq + center;
        driver->setPhaseState(PhaseState::PHASE_OFF, PhaseState::PHASE_ON, PhaseState::PHASE_ON); // disable phase if possible
      }else if(trap_150_map[sector][1]  == _HIGH_IMPEDANCE){
        Ua = trap_150_map[sector][0] * Uq + center;
        Ub = center;
        Uc = trap_150_map[sector][2] * Uq + center;
        driver->setPhaseState(PhaseState::PHASE_ON, PhaseState::PHASE_OFF, PhaseState::PHASE_ON); // disable phase if possible
      }else if(trap_150_map[sector][2]  == _HIGH_IMPEDANCE){
        Ua = trap_150_map[sector][0] * Uq + center;
        Ub = trap_150_map[sector][1] * Uq + center;
        Uc = center;
        driver->setPhaseState(PhaseState::PHASE_ON, PhaseState::PHASE_ON, PhaseState::PHASE_OFF); // disable phase if possible
        Ua = trap_150_map[sector][0] * Uq + center;
        Ub = trap_150_map[sector][1] * Uq + center;
        Uc = trap_150_map[sector][2] * Uq + center;
        driver->setPhaseState(PhaseState::PHASE_ON, PhaseState::PHASE_ON, PhaseState::PHASE_ON); // enable all phases


    case FOCModulationType::SinePWM :
      // Sinusoidal PWM modulation
      // Inverse Park + Clarke transformation

      // angle normalization in between 0 and 2pi
      // only necessary if using _sin and _cos - approximation functions
      angle_el = _normalizeAngle(angle_el);
      _ca = _cos(angle_el);
      _sa = _sin(angle_el);
      // Inverse park transform
      Ualpha =  _ca * Ud - _sa * Uq;  // -sin(angle) * Uq;
      Ubeta =  _sa * Ud + _ca * Uq;    //  cos(angle) * Uq;

      // center = modulation_centered ? (driver->voltage_limit)/2 : Uq;
      center = driver->voltage_limit/2;
      // Clarke transform
      Ua = Ualpha + center;
      Ub = -0.5f * Ualpha  + _SQRT3_2 * Ubeta + center;
      Uc = -0.5f * Ualpha - _SQRT3_2 * Ubeta + center;

      if (!modulation_centered) {
        float Umin = min(Ua, min(Ub, Uc));
        Ua -= Umin;
        Ub -= Umin;
        Uc -= Umin;


    case FOCModulationType::SpaceVectorPWM :
      // Nice video explaining the SpaceVectorModulation (SVPWM) algorithm

      // the algorithm goes
      // 1) Ualpha, Ubeta
      // 2) Uout = sqrt(Ualpha^2 + Ubeta^2)
      // 3) angle_el = atan2(Ubeta, Ualpha)
      // equivalent to 2)  because the magnitude does not change is:
      // Uout = sqrt(Ud^2 + Uq^2)
      // equivalent to 3) is
      // angle_el = angle_el + atan2(Uq,Ud)

      float Uout;
      // a bit of optitmisation
      if(Ud){ // only if Ud and Uq set
        // _sqrt is an approx of sqrt (3-4% error)
        Uout = _sqrt(Ud*Ud + Uq*Uq) / driver->voltage_limit;
        // angle normalisation in between 0 and 2pi
        // only necessary if using _sin and _cos - approximation functions
        angle_el = _normalizeAngle(angle_el + atan2(Uq, Ud));
      }else{// only Uq available - no need for atan2 and sqrt
        Uout = Uq / driver->voltage_limit;
        // angle normalisation in between 0 and 2pi
        // only necessary if using _sin and _cos - approximation functions
        angle_el = _normalizeAngle(angle_el + _PI_2);
      // find the sector we are in currently
      sector = floor(angle_el / _PI_3) + 1;
      // calculate the duty cycles
      float T1 = _SQRT3*_sin(sector*_PI_3 - angle_el) * Uout;
      float T2 = _SQRT3*_sin(angle_el - (sector-1.0f)*_PI_3) * Uout;
      // two versions possible
      float T0 = 0; // pulled to 0 - better for low power supply voltage
      if (modulation_centered) {
        T0 = 1 - T1 - T2; // modulation_centered around driver->voltage_limit/2

      // calculate the duty cycles(times)
      float Ta,Tb,Tc;
        case 1:
          Ta = T1 + T2 + T0/2;
          Tb = T2 + T0/2;
          Tc = T0/2;
        case 2:
          Ta = T1 +  T0/2;
          Tb = T1 + T2 + T0/2;
          Tc = T0/2;
        case 3:
          Ta = T0/2;
          Tb = T1 + T2 + T0/2;
          Tc = T2 + T0/2;
        case 4:
          Ta = T0/2;
          Tb = T1+ T0/2;
          Tc = T1 + T2 + T0/2;
        case 5:
          Ta = T2 + T0/2;
          Tb = T0/2;
          Tc = T1 + T2 + T0/2;
        case 6:
          Ta = T1 + T2 + T0/2;
          Tb = T0/2;
          Tc = T1 + T0/2;
         // possible error state
          Ta = 0;
          Tb = 0;
          Tc = 0;

      // calculate the phase voltages and center
      Ua = Ta*driver->voltage_limit;
      Ub = Tb*driver->voltage_limit;
      Uc = Tc*driver->voltage_limit;


  // set the voltages in driver
  driver->setPwm(Ua, Ub, Uc);

// Function (iterative) generating open loop movement for target velocity
// - target_velocity - rad/s
// it uses voltage_limit variable
float BLDCMotor::velocityOpenloop(float target_velocity){
  // get current timestamp
  static float other_shaft_angle = 0;// there is a mysterious flake out that occurs once per rotation, using  a local variable helps a bit.
  unsigned long now_us = _micros();
  float delta_angle = 0;
  // calculate the sample time from last call
  //float Ts = (now_us - open_loop_timestamp) * 1e-6f;
   unsigned long micros_int_dt = now_us-open_loop_timestamp;
    // quick fix for strange cases (micros overflow + timestamp not defined)
  if(micros_int_dt <= 0 || micros_int_dt > 1000) {
    micros_int_dt = 1000;

 delta_angle = (target_velocity*float(now_us-open_loop_timestamp))/1000000;
  // calculate the necessary angle to achieve target velocity
  other_shaft_angle = fmod((other_shaft_angle + delta_angle), _2PI);
  shaft_angle = other_shaft_angle;
  // for display purposes
  shaft_velocity = target_velocity;

  // use voltage limit or current limit
  float Uq = voltage_limit;
    Uq = _constrain(current_limit*phase_resistance + fabs(voltage_bemf),-voltage_limit, voltage_limit);
    // recalculate the current  
    current.q = (Uq - fabs(voltage_bemf))/phase_resistance;

  // set the maximal allowed voltage (voltage_limit) with the necessary angle
  setPhaseVoltage(Uq,  0, _electricalAngle(other_shaft_angle, pole_pairs));

  // save timestamp for next call
  open_loop_timestamp = now_us;

  return Uq;

// Function (iterative) generating open loop movement towards the target angle
// - target_angle - rad
// it uses voltage_limit and velocity_limit variables
float BLDCMotor::angleOpenloop(float target_angle){
  // get current timestamp
  unsigned long now_us = _micros();
  // calculate the sample time from last call
  float Ts = (now_us - open_loop_timestamp) * 1e-6f;
  // quick fix for strange cases (micros overflow + timestamp not defined)
  if(Ts <= 0 || Ts > 0.5f) Ts = 1e-3f;

  // calculate the necessary angle to move from current position towards target angle
  // with maximal velocity (velocity_limit)
  // TODO sensor precision: this calculation is not numerically precise. The angle can grow to the point
  //                        where small position changes are no longer captured by the precision of floats
  //                        when the total position is large.
  if(abs( target_angle - shaft_angle ) > abs(velocity_limit*Ts)){
    shaft_angle += _sign(target_angle - shaft_angle) * abs( velocity_limit )*Ts;
    shaft_velocity = velocity_limit;
    shaft_angle = target_angle;
    shaft_velocity = 0;

  // use voltage limit or current limit
  float Uq = voltage_limit;
    Uq = _constrain(current_limit*phase_resistance + fabs(voltage_bemf),-voltage_limit, voltage_limit);
    // recalculate the current  
    current.q = (Uq - fabs(voltage_bemf))/phase_resistance;
  // set the maximal allowed voltage (voltage_limit) with the necessary angle
  // sensor precision: this calculation is OK due to the normalisation
  setPhaseVoltage(Uq,  0, _electricalAngle(_normalizeAngle(shaft_angle), pole_pairs));

  // save timestamp for next call
  open_loop_timestamp = now_us;

  return Uq;

Replace the contents of the BLDCmotor.cpp with that and you should be good.

oh, obviously you need to change the pins for the pwm and stuff. This works with the lepton v2.0 so you could just roll with that, it also works with the B-G431-ESC1, with different pins.

To reverse direction, simply specify a negative velocity. You just type commands into the serial monitor on arduino, or you can send them with another MCU easily. So T2 will set the speed to 2 radians per second. T2.5 etc. You can go way down to T0.01 radians or even zero.

I have no clue about your boards or wiring, but hopefully it is adequately documented.

Oh, don’t forget to set the voltages etc. in that code above, it will be different for you.
Oh, btw donations are very much welcome, please give to the project.