DRV8316 Buck Regulator to power ESP32

This community has the most users of the DRV8316 and I was hoping for confirmation on power-up circuitry before the board is sent off to be manufactured. I am trying for a small minimalist design.

  • AVDD powers up with VM
  • AVDD pulls up nSLEEP which powers up the Buck Regulator to 3V3 (default)
  • The 3V3 supplies 200mA (600mA Limit with BUCK_CL = 0) to the ESP-MINI & AS4057

Board size 26 mm x 26 mm; 29 mm dia

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Hey @Gouldpa , very nice design!

I don’t think it will work this way though as the AVDD regulator is powered down in sleep mode…

If you want it to start up automatically in order to power the MCU then you’ll need an external voltage <5.5V to pull nSleep high.

A zener diode or voltage reference should work for this purpose.

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Hi @runger thanks for your help in spotting my error. I’ve added a zener and pull-up resistor.

Cheers, Paul

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