Can the BLDC motor start working immediately after power is applied, without needing to enter calibration mode?

Normally, when running the program or applying power to the board, the motor must undergo calibration to ensure it operates accurately and correctly. This is necessary to align the encoder position with the pulse control position, ensuring the motor can rotate and function properly.

However, if the direction is set to CCW (counter-clockwise) or CW (clockwise), the motor will run, but if the motor shifts slightly at startup, it can lead to errors. Sometimes, the motor may keep rotating or the board may supply too much current, causing the motor to fail to rotate.

I would like to ask if there is any method to fix this issue.

Thank you!

If you are using an absolute encoder which provides absolute position within 1 electrical revolution, such as a magnetic encoder or a sin/cos encoder, you can save and reuse the calibration results. Hall sensors also won’t need re calibration.

Otherwise if you are using an incremental encoder, you will have to recalibrate on startup. Either a full calibration or just an index search depending on whether index signal is available.