YAFO: Yet Another FOC controler

That’s what I am saying, you didn’t investigate much.

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I am still learning…

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Ouahhhhhh MP2-ESC !
This project looks fantastic

Sorry, just trying to share some hard won wisdom, there is lots to do after all.

I have made some light changes on my initial design, like room for additional caps on gate circuit.
Now working on pcb routing…
HAMMOND 1490WB enclosure seems reachable with SMD components not smaller that 1206 size.
Focus on gate drive path and power traces…


Now comes some DRC checking and then the boring task like components reference selecting and ordering…


Great layout! Looks really good!
How/where is motor connected?

Motor is connected on PHASE_A / PHASE_B / PHASE_C pads.

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Hi All,
Got the pcb. Now time for manual soldering Sad but relieved face :disappointed_relieved:
Very fine tip, soldering flux and controlled temperature iron are mandatory.
Job will start by the inner/lower components and then going outside.
Surprisingly, the main difficulty was not the STM32 chip but the very small ferrite beads. I think I have reached my limits here.

Ferrite bead (really ugly, but cannot do more)

To be continued…


We believe in you!



Hi all,
Back to home and back on the project too !
PCB is now ready. 100 % hand soldered.
Started to test DC/DC conversion stage with a 0-60 Vdc current-limited lab power supply.
In the mean time, downloading and installation of VESC tool 6.02 on a linux laptop…



Following Testing OK:
At 60 Vdc I got a stable 3.3 V on the CPU.
I also write a very basic sketch to blink alternatively the green/red leds
Downloading the sketch using ST-Link working
Test program running OK with led blinking
Binary code ready with 2 customized files in /hwconf/other.
Other firmware code files left unchanged. Build firmware is 6.05
Flashing yafo_1450.bin using ST-Link.
Power off / Disconnect ST-Link / Connect usb cable / launch VESC tool / Power on board / click on connect in VESC menu
USB Communication between yafo board and VESC tool established

Now learning the VESC tool…


Got limited mode with VESC tool 6.02 and firmware 6.05. Still learning.
Downgrade to ground firmware ver 6.02
Flash binary
Start FOC Autotune.
Got Happy


Hi All,
I have a tricky problem with displayed Amps vs real Amps:
Here are the test conditions:
Custom hardware/firmware using 2 files in /hwconf. (It seems that I cannot upload theme here…)
FOC detection parameters done.
10 poles motor at no load running very well up to 60000 ERPM in FOC mode.
ADC Throttle as input.

14s battery and 1.20 A drawn from battery but more that 15 Amps displayed on the VESC tool !
About less that 2 amps really measured on motor phase using a current clamp multimeter.

Of course, I have double checked the INA240 Gain and shunt resistors (50 and 0.3 milliOhms here) in the above files.
Any input will be welcome !

That’s a very small value even for a shunt. If it was a 3 milliOhm shunt, the numbers would match better.

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Impressive solder skills wizard!!

Im looking @ a new project and may need your insight. Seeing how they manually stir the pot in Palestine, when cooking chick peas or lentils or other stuff, I thought maybe we could make good use of SFOC, perhaps scaling up the volume, ya know!

There are several layers to it. Where I live, a small bowl of Dahl cost four times the price of a bag of chips. So people get fat eating all the cheap junk.

I like the community cooking idea, and I Believe we can make it work. Surely it is tense in Palestine :palestinian_territories: now, but still they show us the way. Sharing, caring in so much grief. And there will be a turning point.

So if you don’t mind sharing the secret ingredient, I think we can make some truly tasty healthy basic full filling soups :heart:

Someone had to many magic mushrooms in his soup?
How is this post related to the YAFO or any other simpleFOC subject?
I’m concerned and angry about what happens over there, too. But it’s not the right section to post anything like that.

If scaling up the volume, surely you must see, it becomes a bit difficult to stir the pot? That is where SFOC may be of use. I’m thinking 500 liters or so, with a tap and some kind of self cleaning concept…

At 500 liters you might look for paint-stirrer or concrete-stirrer machines?
Still it’s offtopic here. Start a new thread!

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