Simple FOC on ODESC V4.2 SPI Issue

Hello, I have been working with a Chinese Odrive clone called the ODESC V4.2. It seems to have the same hardware as this:
ODrive-MKS/Hardware/MKS ODRIVE MINI V1.0 Schematic.pdf at main · makerbase-motor/ODrive-MKS · GitHub
A STM32f405rgt6 and DRV8301.
After probing it with a multimeter I can confirm it has the same pinout, I am able to get simple foc to work on it with open loop mode, but I cannot get it to read my magnetic encoder. I know the encoder works, I used it with an esp32 previously.
This is the output I get:


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I probed the spi bus and it “seems like its working” although noisy: Code
GitHub - HillbillyLaboratorys/ODESCSFOCTest: staging for tests

I figured it out, The AS5048 module I am using is configured to use 5v not 3.3V, I added a level shifter and now it gives valid data.