Is this using some driver design you made public?
No. This is closed. Also, I will take this post down in a few days, this is just to showcase to all regular forum visitors what could be done.
Oh its happening !!!
I will open the design towards the end of this year as it requires pretty major modifications after the extensive testing we performed and after it passes the field track test and review results which will be end of this month.
It is really expensive though and requires a lot of external components as well as 3d printed enclosures, cooling, and very serious custom wiring. This is not a hobby grade work, think about $500 only for the driver package just to manufacture. Then you need external components for the throttle, battery management, safety, etc. It’s an EV assembly, not a home made ESC board you put on a scooter motor. It drives a light EV up to 100v/300a which is enough to power a 500kg vehicle.
You should live stream the track session. Let’s see how fast it goes are you able to stream the data? Maybe just point a GoPro at a speedometer
Were any changes made to the firmware to support regeneration?
No regen. Any regen circuit is external to the driver. This is just a driver / auxiliaries / BMS / C&C combo. If you need regen then there is extra circuitry as well as changes to the firmware. I’m sure the regen and so many other things will come later, it will have enough work to support the effort for years. This is a university R&D sponsored effort, I’m helping them for free to demystify motor control and get them interested in the whole process of FOC. In fact I donated myself quite a lot of $$$ to their team for hardware.
You can watch it here
One of the competitors is running SimpleFOC.
Makes sense! Awesome to see.
I posted better photos of the driver assembly.
Live pictures from the track !!!
@Antun_Skuric , @runger, and everyone else who helps here, you guys did/do an outstanding job, your work is really out in the real world.
May the torque be with you !!
It looks really awesome, best of luck!
Real time updates, the vehicle passed ALL technical inspection checks, which is a huge achievement, many vehicles don’t even make it through the technical to be allowed to compete!
More track videos, the EV is running on the Indianapolis 500 Track, the biggest motor speedway in the world.