I have a project that needs to drive a motor quite fast and that use a AS5048a magnetic sensor as encoder.
I first developped it on the Arduino UNO without issues except its computation capacity (16mHz, loop called every 1 ms). I purchased different boards (nano connect, nano esp32, nucleo L432KC, teensy 4.0, pi pico) in order to overcome this limit.
I had a generic sketch that drove the motor in velocity openloop.
The loop() (motor.loopFOC + motor.move(targetSpeed) took 40 ms on a rp2040 board (pi pico and nano connect, arduino-pico 3.1.1 and simple FOC 2.3.4).
Upgrading the arduino-pico board to 4.3.1, The same loop took 50 us.
However, the MagneticSensorSPI base class .init() blocks the program. I used an homemade sensor class to overcome that and test.
I tried the NUCLEO-L432KC board, but as soon as the simplefoc library is included, the program compiles but is not executed (tried with blink…).
The nucleo board is STM32 MCU based boards 2.9.0.
I also tried an esp32 nano board but I couldn’t program without force reseting the board. This issue was not related to the simple foc library
Hi @nakeze,
It’s definitely possible to overcome your 1 ms limit. I use an ESP32 to drive two motors in closed-loop mode (and two AS5048a, using this driver) and I achieve 0.15 ms.
Hi Quentin,
Yes it is definitely possible, with teensy and rp2040, the loop is over 10 khz. I wanted to list the issues that I faced, which were :
Poor computation time with an old arduino-pico version.
Code than don’t run on nucleo-L432KC stm32 2.9.0 even though compilation is fine.
I know that it must be hard to maintain and document all these different combinations. Maybe the page : Microcontrollers | Arduino-FOC could get a boad version and simple foc version compatibility that were tested at new release.