Is there anyone working SimpleFOC commercially who I can work with?

I have an application that I am developing and looking for help with hardware and software. I would like to move through some experiments using FOC controlled blade orientation on a propeller. I would like to move toward a hardware setup that could make small blade orientation changes while measuring the torque required to maintain those commanded positions in changing fluid density’s.

Can anyone point me into the right direction to find someone to work with on an ongoing commercial basis?

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I guess you live in the U.S.? Might be helpful to know…

No sorry, I’m in Australia!

Hi @Luuk , welcome to SimpleFOC!

I’ve sent you a DM, but it sounds like you might be seeking a hardware engineer?

There is a way to work through such experiments on the forum. This is probably a good idea even if you pay someone to pay extra attention to help you. The spare think cycles and combined experience of people on the forum that like to help or puzzle out a puzzle is significant, but its also true you can end up waiting a long time and not getting very far.

I would start by identifying the most fundamental things you need help with, and posting a post which explains your project and asks for key bits of info.

After a while the threads become too long and everyone gets a bit lost, then you have to summarize things and make a new post asking the latest major question or whatever.