Ok. here is my idea:
Connect the output of the current sensor to the +input of an op amp in the chip. The voltage is at halfway between VCC and ground when current is zero. These chips give 44 mV per amp.
Connect the - side of the op amp to a resistive divider, that divides the 3.3 supply by close to half. Because the op amp doesn’t work rail to rail probably. Suppose half plus 200 mV.
Suppose it can now detect a swing of 44 mV ok, plus or minus.
Now we program the op amp with a gain of say 13.
The op amp goes to a pin of the ADC. Each op amp goes to a different ADC peripheral, I guess, for speed, so they can all sample at once.
Ok now we get 527 mV per amp, plus or minus, with 12 bits or whatever the ADC is, of resolution, approximately.
The only issue I can see is that the op amp will be saturated of course at higher inputs, but I think that’s ok? You can do that to an op amp, generally?
But we can still access the current sense pin directly from the ADC if we want.
I think I might be able to prototype this with my existing QVADRANS board, just takes so me finicky soldering. I left the vias untented for that reason, so I could access them like solder pads, but idk if that’s going to help.
Personally, I don’t need 30 amps capability, so I would probably use a current sensor that is for 10 amps, and start with 132 mv/amp.
But you get the idea. With this, we get hopefully enough sensitivity to do high frequency injection for detection of position, and also drive more modest sized motors sensorlessly, and can still drive big motors?
Might want to adjust the values for something more optimal.