Hello! I am looking for a consultant to help optimize our system that we already have up and running with SimpleFOC code.
We are using a NEMA 17 BLDC (24V, 3.5A) that is being controlled by a custom PCB with a Raspberry Pi Pico (serial communication with Windows laptop) and a TI DRV8316 motor driver. We are using angle control to move the motor at its maximum speed for short periods of time and then stop at certain angles. Overall the system works very well, but we have occasional problems where the DRV8316 driver becomes unresponsive and must be reset (which I currently do by unplugging the system).
I am looking for an expert I can pay hourly to help optimize our software/system so that we can get the most out of our motor and controller. I am happy to pay a good rate, and I expect this might be 10-40 hours of work to start. Unless you are in the Minneapolis area, I assume the work would be remote.
Are there any SimpleFOC developers or otherwise experts that would be willing to help? I am hoping to get going on this right away.